Caustic Soda Uses
Caustic Soda Uses to produce sodium salts, detergents, pH adjustment, organic syntheses and even in industry. Caustic soda is widely used in the paper and textile industries due to its decolorizing properties. The use of caustic soda as a basic material for the production of aluminum from its ore is another example of caustic soda applications.
Caustic soda uses is in the food industry
It is Using for washing or peeling fruits and vegetables, preparing coffee and chocolate, producing caramel color, producing soft drinks, hardening ice cream and producing Chinese noodles.
Caustic soda is also used for water purification and increasing the pH of water due to its strong alkalinity. The benefits of increasing the pH are that its corrosive properties are reduced and the percentage of toxic and heavy metals such as tin and copper in water is reduced.
In addition, the degreasing power of sodium hydroxide has made it widely used for the production of detergents and its most common use is in the soap production industry. It is worth noting that the cleaning power of this substance increases in hot water. Caustic soda is also used in the production of fuel cells and the production of epoxy resins used in wind turbines.
Another application of this compound is the production of sodium methylate in the process of producing bioethanol and biodiesel, so the substance is also used in the fuel production industries.
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